Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

We are here for you from your child's first day until their teenage years. Please turn to us for questions regarding your child's health, or concerns regarding their behaviour and development. 

Preventative Medical Checkups

The schedule for these regular, preventative checkups are drawn up by the Swiss Society of Pediatrics (SGP). They occur at 1/2/4/6/12 and 18 months, and at 2/4/6/10 and 14 years. At these checkups, your child is measured and weighed, and the doctor performs a physical examination and reviews their development. There may also be vaccines, along with blood pressure, hearing and vision tests depending on the child's age. 


The Swiss vaccination agenda is regularly reviewed by the Federal Commission for Vaccines (EFIK) in cooperation with the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), and Swissmedic. The vaccination recommendations are aimed at providing the best protection for the population and each individual. A vaccination is only recommended when the benefits of avoiding serious diseases outweigh the risks associated with a vaccine. We can advise you on the suitable vaccinations for your child. For further informations see

Hearing Tests

At your child's 6, 10 and 14-year checkups, we will test their hearing. We can also test their hearing if there are concerns about potential hearing problems, for instance if a child speaks too loud or doesn't appear to understand when someone speaks with them. Hearing tests for younger children between 3-4 years old are conducted via play audiometry.


The hips of all newborns are examined via ultrasound in the first 6 weeks of life. Ultrasound can also be a useful examination tool for complaints ranging from stomach aches to broken bones.


We regularly see emergency cases here in our office. Most are fever-related illnesses or accidents that require a doctor visit right away. In the case of a fever, we investigate whether the source of the illness is a bacterial infection.